inner fire
I’m aware that we are not able to change the whole world but we can absolutely improve our little slice of spacetime.

I search and articulate relevant stories that inspire us to grow as individuals and society.
I work for making life easier and better in ways that challenge every skill and knowledge.
what i do
I had the honor to learn from great people in Mexico, Italy and Austria, where i studied and worked. This experience allowed me to start or join these projects with awesome partners.

Nett / design agency
We help brands to discover and enrich their own story in order to connect with their audiences. We achieve this through innovation, branding and digital strategies.

Real Start / business academy
We inspire and empower the next great entrepreneurs through business content and experiences.

Linaje Águila
Soccer can connect people and infuse them daily inspiration for their lives. That's why we started this community with other fans that share the same passion.

Hoy supe
A digital space to share stories and historical information that are relevant to our lives.

Band of winners
We believe in the power of soccer to connect and inspire people across the world.

Vertice 24
Along a group of friends we started this NGO to help vulnerable children in the northeast region of Mexico.